While Zune HD of the faces and Zii EGG are not waited, Samsung started to vender in Korea the YP-M1, its chosen for the rank of iPod Touch to killer.
Available in 8, 16 or 32 GB, the YP-M1 have one shining screen of AMOLED of 3,3 counts and count on DMB, the system of digital transmission of TV in Korea. Beyond a beauty design, it weighs only 91 grams. He has rumors of that the newness uses new the Chips Tegra of the NVIDIA.
Another great one drawn of Samsung is the vast list of archives that the YP-M1 obtains to read. In the part of audio, archives as FLAC, OGG and AAC are recognized, while in video you can attend the archives in H.264, DivX, XviD and SWF, among others.
However, exactly starting to be vendido this week in Korea, nobody still discovered the price of the YP-M1. The skill is to wait this good newness to arrive at the remaining portion of the world.
Samsung YP-M1, iPod Touch ‘ to killer ’?
Monday, August 31, 2009
Samsung YP-M1
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12:10 AM
RFID Tool Link is Longuinho hi-tech
Sunday, August 30, 2009
I know I eat I am difficult to live with the head in clouds, to lose its gadgets e, for who am catholic, always to have that to promise three small jumps for They are Longuinho. Pra to facilitate to this process, the DEWALT, in partnership with Ford Trucks, created the Tool Link, a RFID kit (identification for radio frequency), that it points if some item is lost.
The idea, in the truth, is to give one mãozinha for the truck drivers who work with many merchandises and they always have migraine with the sumiço stranger of one or another article. Thus, the Tool Link comes with 50 labels RFID, scanner RFID, a software of storage of data and two antennas RFID.
It is enough to clicar in a button of Ford In-Dash Computer to visualize which merchandises are not more inside of the limits of the truck. The solution already is for sale for 1 500 dollar – price until just when compared with the migraine and the damage that many transporters have to face with frequency for there.Now, with lesser labels RFID, this proposal an excellent alternative for our daily one can become. Already it thought? Before leaving house, with only one click we will be able to discover if the cellular one is in the knapsack or not. Well more easy than to check it…
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12:10 AM
It protects iPhone with watertight case of the Sanwa
Saturday, August 29, 2009
For more careful than people it intends to be, disasters always happen. But, not to feel the Law of Murphy in the skin with its produtinhos of Apple, a good one asked for is the watertight case for iPhone and iPod, of the Sanwa.
The case has exits for earphones and a species of window for the camera. E, optimum, the device does not hinder that you move tranquilamente in the sensible screen to the touch of iPhone. Already available in the store online of the Sanwa, the Waterproof iPhone Case costs the equivalent the 34 dollar.
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12:10 AM
NVIDIA Ion, PC with 2 cm of thickness
Friday, August 28, 2009
It dissimulates that you did not read the heading above and try to guess of what this bichinho white is treated there in the photo. For who it knows that is one blog of technological cacarecos, the kick probably goes to vary between recorder of external, roteador DVD and tocador multimedia, of that they are to the side of the TV. But, it believes: it is one desktop entire, and well respectable.
Inside of this carcass it is the first archetype of PC of the NVIDIA. E, to fit everything there inside, is clearly that it uses components of netbook, as the processor Atom N270, of 1,6 GHz. The surprise is in the remaining portion of the configuration – 3 GB of memory RAM and hard disk of 250 GB. E the great newness is the very small Ion, one chipset with performance of GeForce 9400. That is, graphical edition and games roll in a good one.
This petty cash came to stop here in our hands in the INFOLAB with installed Windows 7. The idea is to place the machine in the store with this system, therefore it is optimized to twirl in the GPU tasks before destined to the processor, as conversion of videos. In our tests, we obtain to attend films in full HD and until playing weighed things, as the Crysis, but with effect of video in the level lowest, he is clearly. In 3DMark06, it marked a thousand points almost.
Looking at the Index of Experience of Windows 7, the note of this machine was in 2,2, but the pass of it was not the video, as it happens normally in netbooks (and in almost all the machines without a violent dedicated plate). The anchor was the processor. The note of the system for the video beat in 5,1, impressive for a so small equipment.
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12:10 AM
Cameras of Samsung have two screens [Brought up to date]
Thursday, August 27, 2009
The new features of Samsung in the PhotoImageBrazil had not yet left, but for the time being, there it are, two well different cameras had been disclosed. They are to the ST500 and the ST550, the first digital cameras with a screen of LCD in the part of the front.
The pair has 12,2 megapixels, zoom optic of 4,6x and films in 720p. Leaving this of side, in the part of the front a screen of LCD of 1,5 count will have to serve it photographed person to see as it is, or to see the configuration for the photo, something it type.
The difference of the ST500 for the ST550 is small. The first one has a sensible screen of LCD to the touch in the behind part of 3 counts, while the screen of the ST550 has 3,5 counts, also sensible to the touch.
The two already are available in the United kingdom for 249 pounds and 299 pounds, respectively, something next to 750 and 900 Reals. E who knows they will not be the surprises of today of Samsung? Later people discover.
Update: As he was waited, Samsung confirmed the launching of the two cameras in ground national. The ST500 will cost 1 599 Reals and the ST550 will leave for 1 799 Reals. The two arrive in September.
Cameras of Samsung
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12:10 AM
Digidudes tripod, of the Quirk, combines with Halloween
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Since the PhotoImageBrazil is bombando in São Paulo until today, nothing more elementary than, beyond the camera, to start to think about a good tripod for its compact. Well, an unusual alternative is the Digidudes, of the Quirk.
Beyond portable tripods, the Digidudes also e is chaveiros, astonishhes, excellent frightful of criancinhas defenseless. This because they have the colorful format of monstrinhos.
The monstrengos, I say, chaveiros-tripods already can be ordered in the site of the manufacturer for the price of 19,99 dollars.
Digidudes tripod
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12:10 AM
Pen drive of the Corsair if says fastest
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The Corsair launched plus one of these pen drives that few people will have. It is the Flash Voyager GT, that beyond 128 GB, if considers pen drive quicker than it exists.
History is so stranger who the Corsair says that its pen drive is so fast, but so fast, that the limitations of entrances USB 2,0 hinder the newness to alçar still more high flights. That is, to wait USB 3,0 was excessively for the engineers of the Corsair, friends.
In the part of the numbers, pen drive must reach marks of same respect. According to Corsair, it second reaches 32 MB for in reading and 25,6 MB for second in writing. It is there, according to them, that the limitations of USB 2,0 enter in action and hold the power.
The Flash Voyager GT is coated in resistant to the water, not to leave 128 so fragile GB, certain rubber and? It also counts on a guarantee of ten years. It already is for sale, but the price that is good, nobody wants to speak.
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12:10 AM
Samsung shows camera with Wi-Fi and GPS
Monday, August 24, 2009
The package of launchings of cameras of Samsung was not alone in the ST500 and the ST550. The great newness of the mark is the ST1000, a camera that to connect wants you at any cost.
The numbers of the camera are of respect. Megapixels, zoom optic of 5x and sensible screen to the touch of 3,5 counts are 12,2. It also films in 720p and has connection HDMI, made for an optional handle.
But the great newness of the ST1000 is in the part of the conectividade: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 2,0 and GPS are part of the package. Thus, you can order the photos of the direct camera for orkut or show the videos in the TV by means of DNLA.
Samsung shows camera
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12:10 AM
KIDNEY prepares Bluetooth clock
Sunday, August 23, 2009
The Research In Motion, more known for there as KIDNEY, manufacturer of the Blackberry family, confirmed that it is working in full a Bluetooth clock of tricks.
The clock, without given name for the time being, will in such a way have streaming of audio and visualization of updates of the Twitter how much of the Facebook. Valley to say that this photo does not pass of an assembly on the Bluetooth clocks of Sony Ericsson.
The skill is to wait and to see if the KIDNEY exactly goes to start to invest in accessories for Blackberry. E still to see if they arrive at Brazil, certain?
Bluetooth clock
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12:10 AM
Goes cadeado for pen drive?
Saturday, August 22, 2009
In this new world of the hundreds of gigabytes in one mísero pen drive, the security of its data is important, not? E if you find that only to criptografar given she is little, a more classic solution you can help you: cadeado of pen drives.
The USB Drive Flash Lock if incases in pen drive as a same door USB. To only use it again, using the espartano method to turn the numbers until making right the code. That is, in case that it is protected and you to lose it, nobody goes to find use and will have to play is it. Victory!
The USB Drive Flash Lock is for sale in the United kingdom for about 18 Reals the unit, or you it can take the pair for R$ 29. It is the price of the security.
pen drive
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12:10 AM
iTalk talks with the alarm-clock
Friday, August 21, 2009
People who speak excessively, generally, suffer due to public for its monólogos. To finish with this problem, the alarm-clock iTalk, vendido for the Taylor Gifts, all is heard for the plantão prattlers.
With a screen LED of 2 counts, beyond showing the hours, the alarm-clock is capable to recognize some commands of voice. iTalk is enough to say “ Hello ” and it is set in motion for “ to hear ”. The problem is that you will have that to train its a bit sotaque in English, only language that it recognizes.
Although “ intelligent ” and comprehensive, iTalk sins ugly in desing, né? E, let us agree, this promocional photo also. Exactly thus, it already is being vendido for 69,98 dollars.
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12:10 AM
Classic series of the MSI increases offspring of notebooks
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The MSI finishes to increase its series C of notebooks. The five new classudos models enter in the category average weight with 3 kilos and have thickness of 3 centimeters.
As design is seen in classic its, it does not have nothing of very innovative. All have webcam of 1,3 MP, memory RAM of 4 GB and 320 GB of hard disk.
Models CX600, CR600-013 and CR600-017 possess screen of 16 counts with resolution of 1 366 for 768 pixels. While versions CX700 and CR700 come with display of 17,3 counts and resolution of 1 600 for 900 pixels.
Notebooks CR600 and CR700 8200M GPU and one pack a NVIDIA GeForce drive of optional Blu-Ray.
Notebooks is being vendidos with prices from 549,99 dollars.
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12:10 AM
Living Chair Number 1 is alive chair
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The Living Chair Number 1, created for designer Danish Ander Huus, could very be part of the scene of the Alice film well in the Country of the Wonders (of the Tim Burton), that it must arrive at the cinemas in April of 2010. With proper life, the chair-robot is capable to turn around its proper axle during the day.
But, this is not the only attraction of the alive furniture. In environments very illuminated, the Living Chair Number 1 if opens and if it closes, gradually, as soon as the light if esvaece during the day. When a person if approaches, the LC1 for its movement of rotation, if she accurately unfolds and she compliments the human being with a subtle chacoalhão - as the dogs make with its tails.
Although assaz interesting, the LC1 not yet has perspective to arrive at the best store of decoration of the world. Unhappyly.
Living Chair Number
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12:10 AM
Psystar begins deposing Apple executives
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Psystar lawyers have begun deposing Apple executives in the copyright infringement lawsuit brought by Apple last year, the Mac clone maker announced.

Surprisingly, it seems that Psystar executives are actually enjoying themselves. In a Thursday post on its Web site called "A taste of their own medicine," Psystar seems to gloat over the fact it is now deposing several Apple executives. "For the past week and for the following ten days we will be doing depositions of some of Apple's highest level people. After numerous depositions of Psystar employees and associates the shoe is finally on the other foot, oh the joy!"
Apple accused Psystar of copyright infringement after it began making Mac clone computers and selling them with Mac OS X installed. Apple's license agreement clearly states that the operating system can only be installed on an Apple-labeled computer.
Psystar is even allowing its customers to submit questions to ask the Apple executives, according to a report on AppleInsider. The company said it will take the top 10 questions to each executive deposition.
According to the blog post, Apple executives being deposed are:
- Aug. 07 -- John Wright -- OS X -- Senior Software Manager
- Aug. 12 -- Kevin Van Vechten -- OS X -- Software Engineering Manager
- Aug. 13 -- Phil Schiller -- Marketing -- Senior VP Worldwide Product Marketing
- Aug. 14 -- Mike Culbert -- Mac Hardware -- Senior Director
- Aug. 18 -- Gary Thomas -- TBD
- Aug. 19 -- Simon Patience -- OS X -- Head of Core OS
- Aug. 21 -- Mark Donnelly -- Apple -- VP Finance and Worldwide Business management
- Aug. 21 -- Greg Christie -- TBD
- Aug. 21 -- Bob Mansfield -- Mac Hardware -- Senior VP Mac Hardware Engineering
Psystar said these executives were chosen because they are the most knowledgeable in their field.
The company kicked up the rhetoric a notch since changing lawyers in July. Psystar is now being represented by Houston-based Camara & Sibley, which is also defending convicted music-pirate Jammie Thomas-Rasset.
Psystar filed for bankruptcy protection in May, which normally could shield a company from its legal woes. But Apple asked the court to lift the automatic stay of proceedings in the copyright case. Apple won its argument, and a new trial date has been set for January 11, 2010.
Apple executives
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12:10 AM
Mozilla Labs rolls out usability 'Test Pilot' add-on
Monday, August 17, 2009
Mozilla has launched a usability test plug-in for its open-source Firefox browser, in a bid to make testing and user feedback easier and more attractive.
Test Pilot, an add-on for Firefox 3.5, was rolled out on Wednesday. "We are looking for Firefox users of all levels of skill and all levels of technical knowledge to help improve Firefox and Labs experiments," Mozilla Labs employee Jinghua Zhang wrote in a blog post.
The opt-in program allows those who sign up to "try out the newest features and user interface ideas before anyone else, but also see and learn how those results may contribute back to the product design," Zhang wrote, adding that participants would not have data about their product usage submitted without their permission.
Test data will be anonymized and aggregated for presentation to the general public without the user's individual data being identifiable, Zhang said.
Test Pilot was first announced by Mozilla Labs in March last year. At the time, Chief Innovation Officer Chris Beard wrote in a blog post that Mozilla had to "rely upon the blogosphere and word-of-mouth to attract the attention" of people interested in trying out new Mozilla experiments.
"The problem is that we are systemically biasing feedback towards only those who happen to hear about a particular experiment (on a given day) and in those cases skew to the technically savvy early adopter," Beard wrote. "It is therefore very hard to derive conclusions representative of our much larger and increasingly mainstream user base."
Beard added that each of Mozilla's feature tests was isolated, and the organization had to "start from scratch" in finding volunteer testers each time.
With Test Pilot, an icon is permanently visible at the bottom right-hand side of the browser window, allowing the user to keep an eye on which tests are upcoming or currently under way.
Those signing up for the program will first need to complete a survey, which gauges their level of technical knowledge.
According to Zhang, the Test Pilot program is "still in its 0.1 release," and revamped iterations will be made available "within the coming weeks."
Mozilla Labs
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12:10 AM
Twitter is 40 percent 'pointless babble'
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Surprise! A full 40.5 percent of posts on Twitter--or tweets, as they're called--can be classified as "pointless babble," according to a new study from Pear Analytics. Coming in second was "conversational," which the company says makes up 37.55 of all tweets.
Pear Analytics published its investigation, which was conducted through a series of random samplings from the Twitter public timeline, into the different species of tweets on Wednesday. That means that only public tweets were indexed; the numbers could be different if friends-only accounts were taken into consideration as well. (Obviously, that would be much tougher to analyze.)
There's some interesting stuff in there. Despite some Twitter critics' insistence that the microblogging service is loaded with self-promoters, Pear Analytics only classified 5.85 percent of tweets as "self promotion."
The other categories were "news" (3.6 percent), "spam" (also lower than I'd expect, at 3.75 percent), and "pass-along value" (8.7 percent). Granted, sometimes there's plenty of gray area (is linking to a blog post you wrote "pass-along value" or "self-promotion"? shouldn't tweeting about breakfast too often be considered spam?) but it's pretty cool regardless.
"We thought the news category would have more weight than dead last," the report read, "since this seems to be contrary to Twitter's new position of being the new source of news and events."
That might be a bit of a buzzkill for Twitter's team, which is pretty vocal about wanting the service to be a ubiquitous communication standard. Regardless, the news about the relatively low levels of spam is interesting--for some perspective, about 90 percent of e-mail is spam.
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12:10 AM
Verizon completes initial 4G wireless test
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Verizon Wireless announced Friday that it has completed initial testing of its 4G wireless service in Boston and Seattle.
Using a new technology called Long Term Evolution (LTE), Verizon was successfully able to complete data calls in Boston and Seattle, the first two cities where the company will deploy its service. Verizon is using the 700 MHz spectrum it bought an FCC auction to build the network. The company plans to start offering the service commercially in 2010, providing service for up to 100 million people in 30 markets. The company plans to have the entire nation covered with 4G service in 2013.
As part of this initial test, Boston and Seattle each have 10 LTE 4G cell sites up and running on the 700 MHz spectrum. Verizon selected these markets because of their geographic configuration of suburban and urban areas as well as the areas' high-technology population.
The LTE technology promises to be much faster than current 3G technology and the company expects to deliver services 15 to 100 times faster than these other wireless networks. The actual speeds of the technology have yet to be seen.
Verizon will be competing with Clearwire and its partners, which are already rolling out commercial service for their 4G wireless network that uses a technology called WiMax. Like LTE, WiMax also greatly improves wireless transmission speeds. Clearwire has already launched its service in Atlanta, Baltimore, Las Vegas, and Portland, Ore. And it will add another 10 markets in the next couple of months.
Cable providers Comcast and Time Warner Cable, which invested in Clearwire, will be reselling the service in their cable territories. Meanwhile, Sprint Nextel, which is also a Clearwire partner, is already reselling the service along with its own 3G wireless service throughout the Clearwire territory.
Verizon first mentioned Boston and Seattle as the first two cities to get LTE during its quarterly conference call with investors in July. So far, the company hasn't said much about how the LTE service will be sold and priced. Currently, Verizon offers 3G wireless using a technology called EV-DO. That service is about $60 per month for up to 5GB of data per month.
The Clear WiMax service from Clearwire starts at $20 per month for in-home wireless broadband. And its mobile Internet plans start at $40 per month. Customers can also get a day pass for $10. The company also allows customers to add voice service to their in-home package for $25 per month.
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7:13 AM